a group of students stand in front of the board room to accept their awards
four people stand smiling at a school board meeting
A cell phone is placed within a canvas pouch
Cape Tigers logo
Cape Tigers mascot
Kim Newman stands by a school sign in the board room
Liliana Correa Salinas and Lupita Correa Salinas are pictured standing in front of their door room at MIZZOU.
Tiger Online Tickets
A student stands in front of the school on the first day
Two men stand in front of a sign for a park
Cape Girardeau Public Schools logo
Caitlin Hill's artwork is featured on a billboard in Cape Girardeau
Dr. Benyon is pictured posing with a kindergarten student as both give  a thumbs up
Listening sessions will be held on Monday, June 12th.
Derek Gohn pictured with his family
Chase Roberts poses with his trophy
CHS swim coach Dayna Powell is teaching pre-k students to swim
Coach Moyers is pictured smiling, wearing a Cape Central shirt.
Cape Tigers mascot